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/ PCMania 21 / PCMania CD21.nrg / indimage / pc09_074.lbm (.png) < prev    next >
IFF Interleaved Bitmap Image  |  1994-03-04  |  94KB  |  640x480  |  4-bit (16 colors)
Offensive: Racy: Very Likely | Adult: Possible
Labels: book | daily | dog | rotogravure | school newspaper | sky | tabloid | tree
OCR: te SHA ADOW OF THE COMET Stenan taehds Js t extrsis nreguriafe taher Falestie watah Inqaletunes sreusr uatia woch Arapets zarhk e pordare Jalesth f havhre abfa tawar, srle tapho ranterad Pers el estnb wafar fetatos Pevfot Fafegtis tsis ylnegay Trewa reell dy veris Dserro SHADOW ampanerle nafetanty Jaleahe hahfe hatis eitahs whafer